The flavor of success is something which everyone wants to taste. But then it’s not such an easy process.  People who aspire to be successful have to reach out to any extent to taste its flavor. Being successful takes lots of guts, spirit, patience, envision and perseverance.Success comes to those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.

It is always said that “If one advances confidently of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he imagined, he will met with a success unexpected in common hours.”

What does success mean?

The word success varies from person to person. It is success if a kid is able to get down from the bed all by his own efforts. Similarly it is success to a thief if to rob as he wished. Thus the underlying element is that Success is the ability to reach set goals, accumulate victories and progress accomplished with desired results.

 I hope you got an idea about the recipe (success) but then, I am not here to tell you how to cook the recipe but to share what ingredients should be added to make the recipe taste the best.

Ingredients for success:

· Set up your goals

· Lift up your head

· Take small steps at first

·    Believe that it can be done

·  Turn failures into victory

Let’s have a deep look at the ingredients we have listed above.

·        Set up your goals:

The first and the foremost step is to develop your goals. Your goals may be simple or complex, long term or short term but then, it is must that you have a goal. Your goals should focus on things you are willing to work for, change your habits for and put years into developing ,only things that are worth to you  will ever give you the true feeling of success. Always remember this saying of Swami Vivekananda:

“Take up one idea .Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

·        Lift up your head:
One’s your goal has been chosen, the next episodes begins. That is you must move on the crowd to show your ability. Chase your goal. Don’t wait for opportunities to come your way instead search for the opportunities. Success is never a gift given or even a reward earned.

·        Take small steps at first:

Start now, nothing happens just by thinking .Get on the action bus. If you don’t get what you desired at the first step, don’t lose your hope. If not today, you will get success tomorrow. You need to accept the yes’s and no’s of success. Remember, not every proven technique works with the shifting of timeline. Prepare yourself to pass through a series of no’s and yes’s before you get the success. Every single step you make finally make a huge staircase. It just takes time and great deal of effort to convert all your single steps to success. Remember it was Neil Armstrong’s small step which made him the first person to land on moon. He said “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”

·        Believe that it can be done:

Don’t worry about the problems that comes during your journey Just believe, you can handle them. It is also must that we feed our mind with pure and positive thoughts to stay on track.  Do your work regularly and leave the rest to god.Success kisses the forehead of those who believe they will achieve their goal at any circumstances.

·        Turn your failures into victories:

Failures are the greatest distractors in goal achievements. We must understand failures are part of our life and a life without failures will lose its meaning. Failure forces us to accumulate more energy to overcome this temporary situation. Failures are like speed breakers constructed in our life.i.e.a uniform speed is not always possible in life. You have to stop, accumulate energy, move forward with your desired speed and again suddenly come to a zero speed in the same course of journey. Never stop trying till you have the stamina to try, be sure you don’t fail of the toughness of the targets you have fixed. Once you overcome the fear of failure, it’s a proper signal to win your goal. It is your mental setup which heads you to your success. You will never get anything without committing any mistakes”

Self Confidence – The Success Mantra:

This is the most important ingredient for your recipe. Self Confidence is your inner strength. Ninety percentage of any goal is achieved due to your firm belief and only 10% is technical knowledge. Your belief in yourself changes the course of action. This belief is the direct result of your ‘self’ which sends message to your brain that may start as you have all the requirements needed for it. This message synchronizes your thoughts with actions resulting in a unified action in the direction of goal attainment. “All great inventors and discovers of the world first believed in themselves and on their achievements later”.

Thus if all the above ingredients are added at right proportions,you willdefinitely get the yummy flavor of success. Also one must understand that life is definitely not about chasing success alone and forgetting to enjoy t. Success is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasure of life. Happiness and love is the meaning and purpose of life


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