Why is Rama Setu called as Adam's Bridge - The truth behind it!!

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Is Rama Setu Real? Is it man made? How old is it? Why it is called Adam's Bridge? Are these some of  your questions to which you were searching Answers for? Not satisfied with the Answers? Then here are the best answers you will be satisfied with.All these answers are the well researched from various sources.
So are you ready?
The important Epic of India - The Ramayana has said to be evolved in the Tetra Yuga. Though there are many proofs to explain its evolution , there are still thousands of people out there who don't actually believe it. One such is the "Rama Setu" Bridge that has been build  by the vanara's army(Monkey's troop) to help Rama to reach  Sri Lanka to rescue his wife Sita connecting India's Dhanushkodi to the Talaimannar land of Sri Lanka

Rama was the eldest son of king Dasaratha of Ayodhya. Rama was married to Sita(Janaki)- the daughter of king Janaka. Rama was asked to leave Ayodhya by his mother Kaikeyi(The third wive of Dasaratha). Obeeaing the words of his mother Kaikeyi Rama along with Sita and Lashmana left to forest for 14 long years. During the stay in the forest , Sita was kidnapped by the Raskasha King Ravana. With the help of the Hanuman ,Rama came to know about where was Sita and where she was kidnapped to.
   In order to rescue Sita , Rama has to cross the mighty Indian ocean. To help Rama the ape army with the instructions of Nala started to build the bridge, which is now known as the Rama Setu.
Thus saying the reason behind why it was build, lets now move on to how the Vanara's build such an stable Bridge that is staying even now? Was it Truly build by them? OR Is it a Natural occurrence?

The NASA Scientist have finally  said that "The Rama Setu Bridge" is man made and was not  a Natural process.                                               
Here is a well described explanation of how the Rama Setu Bridge was constructed with all Scientific proof : The Process/Working of Bridge was not done in a single day or by any miracle, It was completely constructed with the instruction of the "Nala"- The chief Civil Engineer of the Rama Sethu Bridge. It was also Known as Nala Setu.

Who is "Nala"
Nala was a descendant of Viswakarma dynasty(Anyone born in this dynasty are said to best in construction work). Thus he took the responsibility of building the bridge and spoke the following:
 I am a Biological Descendant of Viswakarma... I am capable of constructing a bridge across the ocean. Hence,let the foremost of Vanara built the bridge now itself 
 Also Nala is said to the best Constuctor who had followed the exact procedure to construct a bridge
Thus with the instruction given by Nala, the Vanara started the Rama Setu Bridge Construction.


Did the Vanara use cement, concert to construct the bridge??? NOOOOO!! So what materials were used??

The Vanara's filled the Ocean with different Types of Tree woods like Sala and Asvakarna,Dhava and Bamboo,Kutaja, Arjuna,Palmya,Tilaka,Tinisa,Bilva,Saptaparna,Karnika ,Mango and Asoka.
These made the basement for the bridge and were used to provide cushion affect to the soil.

Rama Stu construction work

Later Huge (Elephant-sized) Rocks,mountains were transported by mechanical Contrivances.

Second Layer

                        The Top Most Layer of the Bridge 

With the Passage of time ,the sands have been accumulated over the basement layer and the woods have solidified  But it is for sure that if the sands were carefully removed, the underground structure that were laid could be seen(not the woods)
The waters here still carry the blessing of Lord Rama's lotus feet.Because this is where the monkey army crossed over to Lanka to rescue Sita.

Yet another Work that surprised the Scientist was that the Bridge was constructed in a Linear Alignment.

The Length and Width Of the Bridge:
The epic Ramayana has recorded that the time taken for the entire army to construct the bridge was 20 days. As said early it was a well planned and was not just a random throwing of stones that took place. The length and width of the bridge that was constructed was in the ratio of 10:1 (as per the book)
                                     (Length : 100 Yojana  and Width: 10 Yojana)

When the Scientist checked the length and the width of the bridge with the help of satellite recording it was found that the length was 35km from the Dhanushkodi land (India) to that of the Talaimannar land (Sri Lanka) and the width was 3.5km which is again of the Ratio 10:1.Below is the picture for your reference.


There are various names by which Rama Setu has been called and one among then is the Adam's Bridge. I too wonder how this bridge can be called so... Are too wondering like me. here is the answer I found..

It is said that an Religious Islamic man walked over this Bridge to reach Sri Lanka to do his Penense. Since he was the early Islamic man , he was called Adam by the Sri Lankan Muslims.
Later when the European invaded India, they could easily correlate with this word Adam and started referring to this Bridge as Adam's Bridge.

Thus we have completely explained why Rama Setu is called as Adam;s Bridge along with all scientist proofs explaining that Rama Setu was man made. Hope the entire post was useful to you all. If you still got any questions and are not still convinced with the answers do comment us below.

Fall in Love with these Best Android Apps - September 2016

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Hey all  ANDROID Apps Hunters, Hope all are doing great :)
We all know that Google play store is filled with enormous New App each and everyday. Again this month there are numerous apps in the store.We have picked  the best of the best apps from the ANDROID PLAY STORE that could actually help you all. These are the few recent app that we found really amazing .. READY TO GRAB THESE APPS???

 Google Duo : Video Calling App

The wait over.!. Google's Duo is  finally available in the play store.
Duo is the one of the achievement of google to replace many video calling app. It has a simple user interface and many other features.


  • Fast on slow networks
  • Based on your phone number -Works on Android or ios.
  • All calls are End- to- Encrypted
  • Knock - knock features - the best part.

Happy Video Calling!!

VOLO :Your Travel Journal

VOLO is a creative stuff for all Travelers. This app lets you record everything on your Travel journey. Its like saving all your cute memories in a single app... This small little buddy in your Phone will help you to cherish the best moments during your Travel. Start your own personal Journal
Share your stories, share the love. Connect to your loved ones by sharing each photo, location route via Facebook and Instagram and cheer on one another by liking each part of a story.
Don't waste your time,  Start your journey by downloading Volo  app today itself.                   

                                                                      Happy JOURNEY!!

Verne App : The Himalayas 

 Want to play in Himalayas , then this app will give you all the best experience of it. Verne is  a Game App that lets you to explore Google's 3D image of the Himalayas alongside a 500 foot. And the cute little creature in the game is Verne and it will create you the the most exciting things.As Verne , you can run up Mt. Everest within seconds, ride jetpack, play traditional Himalayas Instruments and many more.. 

                                                                  HAPPY GAMING!!

Wall Ray -  Elegant HD wallpaper

Bored of using your old Wallpaper?? No worries..!!
WallRay has 10000+ elegant HD wallpapers with many beautiful Material DESIGN
Its extremely simple to use and for sure you will love this App. Thus download this Elegant wallpaper app and change you wallpaper daily!!

                                                                 HAPPY WALLPAPERS!!        

Navbar Apps : 

           Not happy with your Navbar design or color?? Then this app - Navbar will provide you the best designs for your Navbar. You can set the color of the Navbar based on your Wallpaper also. Set your Wallpaper design for your using WallRay and then your navbar using this app.. Also you will be able to change the style of it by adding icons,app shortcut.


                                    Also read:Alarm apps for sleepy Android users 

FeedNews : World News at the finger Tip 

For the News Hunters, here comes another best app. It allows you to select your preferred content.Allows the user to choose content from 20 Popular categories. 
The best part of this app is that it allows all their newsfreeks readers to share the news to the social network.. 
              Why still waiting!! Share the latest news from FeedNews among your friends.!! 
                                                         HAPPY  READING!!

Thus these are the latest Apps from the google play store. Hope it was useful to all.. IF so don't forget to share it with your friends. If There are any more apps do comment it below.. Happy apps!!


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The flavor of success is something which everyone wants to taste. But then it’s not such an easy process.  People who aspire to be successful have to reach out to any extent to taste its flavor. Being successful takes lots of guts, spirit, patience, envision and perseverance.Success comes to those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.

It is always said that “If one advances confidently of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he imagined, he will met with a success unexpected in common hours.”

What does success mean?

The word success varies from person to person. It is success if a kid is able to get down from the bed all by his own efforts. Similarly it is success to a thief if to rob as he wished. Thus the underlying element is that Success is the ability to reach set goals, accumulate victories and progress accomplished with desired results.

 I hope you got an idea about the recipe (success) but then, I am not here to tell you how to cook the recipe but to share what ingredients should be added to make the recipe taste the best.

Ingredients for success:

· Set up your goals

· Lift up your head

· Take small steps at first

·    Believe that it can be done

·  Turn failures into victory

Let’s have a deep look at the ingredients we have listed above.

·        Set up your goals:

The first and the foremost step is to develop your goals. Your goals may be simple or complex, long term or short term but then, it is must that you have a goal. Your goals should focus on things you are willing to work for, change your habits for and put years into developing ,only things that are worth to you  will ever give you the true feeling of success. Always remember this saying of Swami Vivekananda:

“Take up one idea .Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

·        Lift up your head:
One’s your goal has been chosen, the next episodes begins. That is you must move on the crowd to show your ability. Chase your goal. Don’t wait for opportunities to come your way instead search for the opportunities. Success is never a gift given or even a reward earned.

·        Take small steps at first:

Start now, nothing happens just by thinking .Get on the action bus. If you don’t get what you desired at the first step, don’t lose your hope. If not today, you will get success tomorrow. You need to accept the yes’s and no’s of success. Remember, not every proven technique works with the shifting of timeline. Prepare yourself to pass through a series of no’s and yes’s before you get the success. Every single step you make finally make a huge staircase. It just takes time and great deal of effort to convert all your single steps to success. Remember it was Neil Armstrong’s small step which made him the first person to land on moon. He said “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”

·        Believe that it can be done:

Don’t worry about the problems that comes during your journey Just believe, you can handle them. It is also must that we feed our mind with pure and positive thoughts to stay on track.  Do your work regularly and leave the rest to god.Success kisses the forehead of those who believe they will achieve their goal at any circumstances.

·        Turn your failures into victories:

Failures are the greatest distractors in goal achievements. We must understand failures are part of our life and a life without failures will lose its meaning. Failure forces us to accumulate more energy to overcome this temporary situation. Failures are like speed breakers constructed in our life.i.e.a uniform speed is not always possible in life. You have to stop, accumulate energy, move forward with your desired speed and again suddenly come to a zero speed in the same course of journey. Never stop trying till you have the stamina to try, be sure you don’t fail of the toughness of the targets you have fixed. Once you overcome the fear of failure, it’s a proper signal to win your goal. It is your mental setup which heads you to your success. You will never get anything without committing any mistakes”

Self Confidence – The Success Mantra:

This is the most important ingredient for your recipe. Self Confidence is your inner strength. Ninety percentage of any goal is achieved due to your firm belief and only 10% is technical knowledge. Your belief in yourself changes the course of action. This belief is the direct result of your ‘self’ which sends message to your brain that may start as you have all the requirements needed for it. This message synchronizes your thoughts with actions resulting in a unified action in the direction of goal attainment. “All great inventors and discovers of the world first believed in themselves and on their achievements later”.

Thus if all the above ingredients are added at right proportions,you willdefinitely get the yummy flavor of success. Also one must understand that life is definitely not about chasing success alone and forgetting to enjoy t. Success is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasure of life. Happiness and love is the meaning and purpose of life

Top 7 Best Alarm Apps for Sleepy Android Users! - 2016

Waking up in the morning has always been a problem for me.Not only me its is a common problem to many of us.If you have been searching for free alarm apps and still you didn't find one, don't worry ,its time for you to rejoice. And you have landed on the right article.This article is completely on the alarm apps for sleepy android users.
              Here in this article I have short listed the best Alarm apps that makes the users get out of their bed at the right time with gentle music tone. All these apps have been personally used by me to check its working.These Alarm apps have many special features likes sleep tracking, bed  notification based on your waking up time.  So are you  ready, Get on your Alarm !!


1. SLEEP AS ANDROID ( An alarm clock and sleep cycle tracker)

            Sleep as Android is an Ultimate Alarm app for all sleepy Android users. It tracks your sleep to find the optional moments for your wake up. Based on your sleep tracking setting , a gentle alarm wake up with light and nature sounds playlist is fixed.
 Other features:
  • Sleep deficit stats and bedtime notifications.
  • Nature sound lullabies for fast fall asleep.
  • Awake detection through heart rate sensing.
  • Sleep advice, rating, tagging.
  • Anti-snoring used to record your sleep talk!


         Alarm clock xtreme is a multipurpose Android alarm app.It consists of basic features like on-off , recurring alarm on particular days or weekend. If you have the habit of using snooze button often , you can set snooze times which automatically alarms the number of times the user have set. This can be done with various ways such as shaking he device, solving math problems or a captcha.

  Other Features:  
  • Gives the users a handy score for each night's sleep .
  • Also tracks the users sleep cycles, time spend in Rem sleep etc.
  • Acts as both alarm and sleep tracker app.
  • Product of AVG.

          Morning Routine is yet another free alarm clock app. This clock alarm requires the users to scan particular bar codes or pictures in order to show that the users has got up. The users can further add a step for the alarm to open an app or website to ease into the day with music or news.

The best feature of this app is the WiFi- locking.This has be one of the best alarm clock app and my friends have found it more useful. 

                                           World's most Annoying Alarm app!

              Alarmy is the innovative solution for the those who just can't get up on time, even with an alarm clock. You just need to set a photo of an area/object in your home/ room. Once this free alarm app  is set, the only way to make it stop ringing is to get out of bed and go take a photo of the registered object.
                      I am personally using this app and it works the best.

 Used in more than 70 countries around the world with more than 10,000 satisfied users.

          I can't wake up! is a product of Kog Creation. This alarm clock  app has up to eight different wake up task which won't let the user turn off the alarm clock until the task is finished.

Yet another Task based alarm app which can be best used to wake up in the morning without any delay.

          Life time Alarm Clock is  a simple and outstanding free alarm clock designed to get the users out of their bed by configuring the snooze to be more annoying. Curated music and Pre-alarm allows the users to wake up in a good mood. This app does not have features like setting puzzles,multiple alarm support etc.

      Wave Alarm utilizes the front facing camera and lets the users to snooze or turn off the application. The main interface has up to date weather features. Soothing alarm tones allows the users to wake up more gently.The wave alarm works on the motion control technology.Once the users have set the alarm , there will be no need to turn off , just wave the hand over the phone will do to turn off the alarm app.

Other features:

  • Real time weather.
  • Finger touch brightness control.
  • Background alarms.
  • Gentle alarm to wake up the user naturally.

CONCLUSION: Thus these are few  Alarm apps for all sleepy Android users. It will surly help you get ride from your bed at the right time. These Free alarm apps are available in google play store.So that's it no worry! Hope this article was useful to you. If so don't forget to share your comments with us, OR if you know any best alarm apps do comment us below.  


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Prepare different types of Buttermilk Recipes :

Buttermilk, a healthy and yummy summer drink loved by all. Buttermilk is almost found in many places during this time.It is made from simple yogurt/fresh curd in different varieties and taste.This simple Buttermilk Recipes help in maintaining the body temperature and keeps us cool.Also buttermilk helps to overcome the dehydration problem.

What is Buttermilk??

Buttermilk is traditionally a by-product of butter-making – the liquid that is left over after butter is churned from cream. It is now made commercially by adding a bacterial culture to skimmed milk. It has a slightly sour, acidic taste and is used for making scones and soda breads.

How to prepare Fresh Curd at home: Simple Steps

  • Mix the milk with any added acid ingredient( Lemon).
  • Stir the two mixture well and allow it to stand for 5-10 mins.
  • Now some small solids will begin to form as a result of adding lemon or vinegar.

How to prepare Different types of Buttermilk Recipes:

 Type 1: Masala Buttermilk

  1. Take some fresh buttermilk we have prepared.
  2. Add some water and salt to it, and stir well.
  3. Now some jeera powder, coriander powder , chilli , chopped ginger to the Buttermilk and stir it well.
  4. Finally add some Coriander leaves to it and Serve this spicy yummy Buttermilk Masala.

Type 2: Buttermilk - Mint leaves and cucumber

  1. Again take some fresh (thick) curd we have prepared.
  2. Add some cucumber ,ginger -chopped
  3. Mix the above mixture well
  4. Add some chat masala (or) you can add some Chill's and mix it well
  5. If you want you can add some ice cubes to make the Buttermilk even more chill.
  6. Now serve this yummy cucumber , mint leaves Buttermilk and enjoy. 

Type 3 : Simple Buttermilk

  1. Same procedure as above
  2. Add some salt, curry leaves, chopped chilies and mix them all well
  3. Add ice cubes for chilled Buttermilk
  4. Enjoy this simple buttermilk in this hot summer

Type 4: Sour and spicy buttermilk:

  1. Add the freshly prepared Yogurt or curd and stir it well in a bowl.
  2. Now, add salt,green chilies and curry leaves and mix them well.
  3. Add some lemon juice and water , muddle the whole drink well.
  4. Finally add some Ice creams to it.
  5. That's it the enjoy the  yummy taste of lemon buttermilk in this hot Summer..
Thats all , hope you loved this different types of buttermilk recipes.If so , don't forget to share this simple types of buttermilk recipes to your friends.
If you know any other Type of buttermilk recipes, do share it with us in the comment box.

Beginner's guide to prepare fry food- Meen (fish) kulambu and Meen (fish) fry!!!!!

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FISH- a low fat ,high protein food.It has omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin(A and D) Also rich in Calcium and phosphorus.It is one source of food that helps to protect against a range of diseases,from cancer to heart diseases,depression to arthritis.

Benefits of Eating fish: 

  • Help maintain a healthy heart.
  • Reduces blood pressure,heart attack , strokes etc.
  • Prevent inflammation and reduce the risk of arthritis.
  • Lowers the risk of Depression,Diabetics,Alzheimer's.
  • It has cancer-fighting properties.
  • Also 'fish oil' reduces risk of heart disease:                                                                                 Studies have found that fish or fish oil have a great role in the prevention or treatment of heart disease.British Medical Journal recommends fish or fish oil supplements to prevent heart attacks,particularly in people with Vascular diseases.
Above are few important factors that one must know about taking fish as a food. Fish kulamu is more healthy than fish fry. Limited usage of oil, will help us gain more healthily benefits. 
Here is a best guide that will help you to prepare fish fry with more health benefits.

RECIPE 1:  How to cook Fish Fry

Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time  : 20 mins
Serves  : 3 


  • 6-7 pieces of fish
  • 2 tsp red chili powder
  • 1 tsp coriander powder
  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 1 lemon
  • salt for taste
  • oil to fry /toast


  1. Clean the fish nicely for 2 to 3 times and set it aside
  2. In a bowl,add red chili,turmeric powder,coriander powder,lime juice(2 to 3 drops), and salt.
  3. Sprinkle some water to make a paste like consistency.
  4. Then add the fish to the mixer and mix well. NOTE: Make sure that masala is coated on all sides of the fish and leave it for 20-30 mins.
  5. Now,heat the pan with oil or else dosa tawa and fry the fish untill its turns dark brown in color.
  6. That's it fish fry is now ready to serve.. Enjoy!!

RECIPE 2: How to cook/ prepare  Meen Kulambu

Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time  : 45 mins
Serves  : 5


For Gravy: 
  • Fish (Sheela or Vanjaram) you choice
  •  Shallot(Sambar venkayum)  - 150 gms
  • Onions - 4
  • Tomatoes  - 4 
  • Tamarind ( lemon size)  - 20 gms 
  • Chilli powder   - 2tsp
  • Coriander    - 3 tsp
  • Turmeric powder  - 1/2 tsp
For Seasoning:
  • Mustard seeds  - 1/4 tsp
  • Cumin seeds   - 1/4 tsp 
  • Fenugreek   -1/4 tsp
  • Garlic - 5 to 6
  • Green chilli - 2
  • Coriander leaves
  • Oil
  • Salt  for taste     


  1. Chop onions,garlic , tomatoes finely.Heat oil in a tawa or kadai.
  2. Add mustard, cumin,fenugreek ,once it splutters add the chopped onions, garlic.Fry till they turn to golden in color.
  3. Before that Soak some Tamarind in water .Clean and cut the fish in size.
  4. Once the onions are finely cooked add tomatoes ,chili powder,coriander powder,turmeric powder and salt.
  5. Cook it in high frame for few mins.Simmer it and let it cook till the gravy becomes thick.
  6. Add the fish ,once the gravy had become thick.
  7. See to that , you done break the fish while mixing it with the gravy.
  8. Again cook it in high flame for 3 to 5 mins  and simmer it for another 5 to 10 mins.
  9. Add the finely chopped Coriander leaves at this stage.
  10. Remove it from the flame once it done. And serve it with RICE...
Thats all your Weekend fish kulambu (meen kulambu ) and fish fry is ready to be served.Serve it hot and get all appreciation for the work you did. Meen kulambu tastes the best when it had the next day.Also try Meen kulambu the next day.You dont have to keep the Meen kulambu in fridge, you can keep it outside itself, it wont get spoiled.
Hope you liked the two dishes -Meen (fish) fry and Meen(fry) kalambu. If you liked it don't be selfish, share it with your friends and comment your views below.
                                                   HAPPY COOKING!~!!  

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast

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There is a famous saying:

Eat Breakfast like a King
Lunch like a Prince
Dinner like a Pauper

The word "Breakfast " is derived from the phrase "BREAKING THE FAST".We fast while we sleep and breaking that should make the breakfast most joyful meal of the day.Skipping your breakfast makes you grumpy and put on weight. If you are still not convinced ,here I have shared the top 10 reasons why you should not skip your breakfast.


The  stomach wall contains glands which secrets gastric juice,a liquid containing acid and enzymes to digest the food. So going without  food can cause acid reflex in your stomach,because you are actually without food for hours on the end.If this continues, for some reasons, the wall comes in contact with the acid and painful ulcers are formed inside.Avoid this by eating a little in the morning would help you keep acidity at bay.


Metabolism is a word which describes all thechanges that happen inside a living organism. Chemical reactions cause these changes and enzymes control them.Metabolism breaks down the food and uses it to build new cells, which fuels up your body (i.e., when you wake up in the morning, your blood sugar levels are low and the food you intake helps in regulating it).Also, this energy is used up by every part of the body even when a person is asleep. Thus fuel up your body with a rich breakfast to keep your metabolism up. 


The capacity to do work is know as Energy.Every day , we wake up with low energy level, and groggy mood.The energy to do the work for the entire day gets deprived not only the activities of the day but also the brain.Thus it is must to have a hearty breakfast , in order to increase the energy level of the body.
In taking foods like  Milk, vitamins rich fruits/juices along with breakfast will help to increase our energy level.


It is usually believed that people who eat  a lot , gain more weight. But then it is not so, when a person don't take proper breakfast, he gains weight.Eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast helps manage your weight as it keeps you full for longer and avoids the need to snack on unhealthy foods(junk foods).


Your minds needs to function well to be alert and attentive throughout the day but if you skip your breakfast, the mind will lack the essential nutrients it needs to be sharp. Certain breakfast that are rich in proteins help the mind function well. Here are few Proteins rich foods you may like Rich protein foods


Researchers have found that women had 20% high risk of being diagnoses with type 2 diabetes than men.The risk is even higher for full time working women.Also researchers have found that eating regular breakfast lowers the risk of obesity and higher blood pressure.


Hunger pangs is also know as Hunger pains, that happens as a result of an irritation of the lining of stomach.They are not true hunger,it is a physiological indication for need of nutrients by the stomach.Hunger Pangs often comes overweight because they prompt eating when there is need for food.


Eating a good breakfast is good for for heart. According to some research - the study found that people who skipped breakfast regularly had higher Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL) and cholesterol than people who have their breakfast regularly.Also people who skipped breakfast have low concentration towards the work they do.


Not following a regular breakfast pattern ,results in overall health issues right from headache to ulcer problems.If you skip breakfast often,understand that you are depriving your body of adequate nutrition.Reports show that people who frequently skip their breakfast tend to be deficient in minerals,such as calcium,vitamins,proteins etc.Also ,people who had their morning breakfast have a higher level of resistance to insulin in individual who consistently didn't have their morning breakfast.


Morning breakfast affects mood,behavior and  brain function of a person. A person who has consistently eaten less food or energy than needed over a long period of times may be apathetic and moody. Nutrients affects different level of chemicals in the brain called Neurotransmitters Several nutritional factors can influence mental health,including overall energy in take nutrients etc.

Thus , these are the top 10 reasons why you should never skip breakfast.;So hereafter when you skip your breakfast remember all these effects and see to that you don't skip your breakfast. Eat well and live well. Hope it was useful.If so share it with your friends